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Entries from January 2012.

Wed, 18 Jan 2012 13:29:56 +0000

Sometimes you want to separate old files (for example older than 30 days) into separate subdirectory to make navigation easier. Using Linux tools it's pretty easy task:

mkdir -p OLD; find . -maxdepth 1 -mtime +30 -exec mv \{\} OLD \;


  • mkdir -p OLD: create OLD subdirectory if not exists
  • -maxdepth 1: search only one level under current working directory
  • -mtime +30: find only files that are older than 30 days
  • -exec .... \;: for every file/directory found execute the following command
  • \{\}: will be replaced by filename

Above command will move all old files/subdirectories into OLD subdirectory.

Tags: linux.
Sun, 15 Jan 2012 23:09:24 +0000

Web2Py is a full-stack Python web framework that can be compared to Django, but is easier to learn due to convention-over-explicit-statement preference. In this article I'll check how static verification techniques developed by me for many different environments (JSP, Django templates, TAL, ...) can be applied for web2py environment.

Static verification means locating simple bugs without running application thus very high (>95%) testing coverage (and high related cost) is not required. Instead with trying to cover by tests every possible screen/workflow/code line/... we can scan all codebase and search for some constraints. Most of them (based on my experience) are static - do not depend on runtime data thus can be effectively checked without running an application.

Here's short example of web2py template language:

<a href="{{=URL('books','show')}}">...</a>

As you can see web2py will substitute {{=<python-expression>}}s by evaluated result. In this example URL points to existing module controllers/books.py and function inside this module named 'show'. I assume you see the problem here: one can select undefined module / function and it will result in a runtime error.

First example is purely static: refence (URL('books','show')) will not change during runtime, neither the source code. Then our static checker might be applied succesfully: check if all URL's in all *.html files have proper functions defined in source code.

Technical solution can be composed to the following steps:

  • locating all resources to check: scanning given directory in filesystem tree
  • locating all interesting fragments in HTML file: I used regexp with arguments to easily extract interesting data
  • locating functions in *.py code: because controllers are not plain python modules (expects some data in global namespace) I decided just to scan them textually

Another check that can be done is references inside HTML files (to CSS resources, JS files, ...). This also can be automated:

<script type="text/javascript" src="svgcanvas.min.js"></script>

Source code refactorings might break your links/references and static scan might ensure you are not breaking application by refactoring.

Complete source code for URL() / SRC= / HREF= checker:

import sys


import os
import copy
import re
import string
from gluon.globals import *
from gluon.http import *
from gluon.html import *

RE_SRC = re.compile(r'src *= *"([^"]*)"')
RE_HREF = re.compile(r'href *= *"([^"]*)"')
RE_URL = re.compile(r'{{=URL\(\'([^\']*)\'')
RE_URL2 = re.compile(r'{{=URL\(\'([^\']*)\' *, *\'([^\']*)\'')

FNR = 0

request = Request()

def report_error(s):

    print "%s:%d: %s" % (FILENAME, FNR, s)

def check_src_exists(arg):

    if arg[0] == "{":
        # variable value

    elif arg[0].find("{{"):
        # skip this URL

    elif arg[0] == "/":
        # absolute file
        fullPath = "web2py/applications" + "/" + arg
        if not os.path.exists(fullPath):
            report_error("file %s doesn't exists" % fullPath)

        # relative file
        fullPath = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) + "/" + arg
        if not os.path.exists(fullPath):
            report_error("file %s doesn't exists" % fullPath)

def check_href_exists(arg):

    #print arg
    if arg.startswith("{{="):
    elif arg.find("{{") > 0:
    elif arg.startswith("/"):
        if not os.path.exists("web2py/applications" + arg):
            report_error("absolute file %s doesn't exists" % arg)
    elif arg.startswith("http://"):
        # external link, do not check
    elif arg.startswith("https://"):
        # external link, do not check
    elif arg.startswith("mailto:"):
        # external link, do not check
    elif arg.startswith("javascript:"):
        # external link, do not check
    elif arg.find("#") == 0:
        # anchor, skip
        fullPath = os.path.dirname(FILENAME) + "/" + arg
        if not os.path.exists(fullPath):
            report_error("relative file %s doesn't exists" % fullPath)

def templatePathToPythonPath(templatePath):

    return string.join(templatePath.replace("/views/", "/controllers/").split("/")[:-1], "/") + ".py"

def eq(got, expected):
    if got != expected:
        print "got:'%s' != expected:'%s'" % (got, expected)
        return False
    return True

assert eq(templatePathToPythonPath(
assert eq(templatePathToPythonPath(
assert eq(templatePathToPythonPath(

name_to_contents = {}
def get_file_contents(fileName):

    global name_to_contents
    if not name_to_contents.has_key(fileName):
        if os.path.exists(fileName):
            f = file(fileName)
            name_to_contents[fileName] = f.read()
            report_error("Cannot load %s" % fileName)
            name_to_contents[fileName] = ""
    return name_to_contents[fileName]

def check_url_exists(url):

    if FILENAME.find("appadmin.html") > 0:

    if url.find(".") > 0:
        functionName = url.split(".")[-1]
        functionName = url

    # print "check_url_exists(%s) moduleName=%s" % (url, moduleName)
    pythonFilePath = templatePathToPythonPath(FILENAME)

    if get_file_contents(pythonFilePath).find("def " + functionName + "()") < 0:
        report_error("cannot find %s in %s" % (functionName, pythonFilePath))

def check_url2_exists(moduleName, functionName):

    if moduleName == "static":

    # print "check_url_exists(%s) moduleName=%s" % (url, moduleName)
    pythonFilePath = string.join(FILENAME.replace("/views/", "/controllers/").split("/")[:-1], "/") + "/" + moduleName + ".py"

    if get_file_contents(pythonFilePath).find("def " + functionName + "()") < 0:
        report_error("cannot find %s in %s" % (functionName, pythonFilePath))

def scan_file(path):

    global FILENAME
    global FNR

    FILENAME = path
    FNR = 0

    f = file(path)

    while 1:
        FNR += 1
        line = f.readline()
        if not line:

        m = RE_SRC.search(line)
        if m:

        m = RE_HREF.search(line)
        if m:

        m = RE_URL2.search(line)
        if m:
            check_url2_exists(m.group(1), m.group(2))
            m = RE_URL.search(line)
            if m:


def test_html(directory):

    for a in os.listdir(directory):
        if a == "epydoc":
        p = directory + "/" + a
        if os.path.isdir(p):
        if a.endswith(".html"):

Tags: python, quality, static.
Thu, 12 Jan 2012 21:54:10 +0000

If you used to Debian you probably know that "dpkg-reconfigure locales" brings you locale selection tool. It's not the case for Ubuntu. How to replace Debian's behavior? Read below:

# grep pl_PL.UTF-8 /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED > /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local
# dpkg-reconfigure locales
   Generating locales...
     pl_PL.UTF-8... done
   Generation complete.

Above example show how to add pl_PL.UTF-8 locale.

Tags: debian.
Tue, 03 Jan 2012 23:21:36 +0000

Recently I forgot to add #reviewthis directive for modifications of codebase that belongs to team A. And a subtle bug was introduced that way. Ops! I agreed earlier that all changes done to moduleB should be passed to a reviewer that will do peer review for that particular change. What a shame :-( (We are using excellent GitHub's review mechanism, BTW).

How to avoid that situation in a future? Should I rely on my memory? Is it possible for a human to track so many small rules manually? My intuition tells me that enforcement of those small ruleset should be automated.

GIT allows you to specify so called "commit hooks" that can validate many stages of GIT workflow. I'll use simplest local verification of commit message, first the rule in plain text: If you are changing moduleB you should notify developerC about this change

The implementation (.git/hooks/commit-msg):


if git st -s | grep -q moduleB; then
    grep -q '#reviewthis:.*developerC@xyz.com' $1 || {
        echo "Add #reviewthis.*developerC@xyz.com"
        echo "Commit aborted"

If you make a change in moduleB and developerC is not notified commit operation is aborted. You cannot forget (or else your commit will fail). If you want to make that rule repository-wide (in order to block everyone from skipping this rule) you should use different hook: pre-receive on a server.

GIT hooks are very powerful validation / automation mechanism that is making our work more efficient.

Tags: git.


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