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Entries from August 2013.

Sat, 31 Aug 2013 14:57:38 +0000

Guess who is the competitor for the FogBugz bug tracker:

225But if you click on AdWords box you can see the following image (no server available):

226Note the weird address: https://www.www.atlassian.com/software/jira/... It's the cause for invalid target link.

Of course it's a bug in configuration done by someone from Atlassian, but let's stop laughing and check what might be the final resolution for such type of problems:

  • Google / AdWords: couldn't they just check (HTTP 200) any target address passed by theirs customer? It's a very simple change in the service
  • Atlassian: automatic HTTP log scan won't be possible as web server hasn't been reached (DNS resolution phase), but 100% bounce rate should raise a warning

Anyway, dealing with such errors in non-systematic way (fixing just this error) is dangerous as further instances are not blocked. It's better to have an automatic process that helps with such errors exposure in the future.

We, at Aplikacja.info believe that bugs should be eliminated systematically i.e. every missed one should have proper effect in process change. The more "sensitive" process (more bugs exposed by the process) the smaller amount of bugs are left in the end. For example coding in PHP with massive refactorings is a trouble-maker (as the language has no static checking included and requires high level of test coverage to uncover every error). Any piece of internal check (only method names + parameter numbers done by lint-like tools) will help a lot there.

Tags: adwords.
Tue, 27 Aug 2013 07:54:34 +0000

Stash mechanism (sometimes it's called "shelve" - in bazaar for example) is responsible for holding your local changes aside from remote branch. You can save your current work state, switch to different version and restore it later.

In order to quickly inspect list of local stashes content in your working copy you can use the following command: git stash list | awk -F: '{ print "\n\n\n\n"; print $0; print "\n\n"; system("git --no-pager stash show -p " $1); }' | less If you see a change should be deleted it's pretty easy: git stash drop "stash@{2}" To load any change onto working copy: git stash pop "stash@{2}" Pretty simple, but powerful tool.

Tags: git.


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