Subversion: How To Revert Single Commit
Wed, 09 Jun 2010 12:35:18 +0000
Let's say you tracked someone broke HEAD of trunk and you want to reverse that single commit from main branch. Subversion makes very handy syntax for reverse merges:
svn merge -c -19203 https://REPO_URL
In example above you do reverse merge of 19203 revision (note "-" sign before revision number). After that merge:
- Inspect if workspace compiles without errors
- If it's OK: commit local changeset
- Notify 19203 committer about the change
In order to fix broken commit original author should do the opposite:
svn merge -c 19203 https://REPO_URL
(note there's no "-" before revision number). Then:
- Correct changeset and test if workspace is not broken
- If it's OK: commit local changeset (it will be nice to show original revision number in a comment)