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SQL Error: 17006, SQLState: null Invalid column name in Hibernate
Fri, 25 Jun 2010 10:38:11 +0000

Recently I've got the following error during SQL named query execution:

SQL Error: 17006, SQLState: null Invalid column name

In order to track the problem down I enabled SQL logging and collected SQL query issued, then run it under SQL monitor and ... it was working without error! I was surprised.

In order to debug what's going on I enabled detailed logging in Hibernate. What was happened then?

[INFO] could not read column value from result set: entityKey215_0_; Invalid column name

This message showed me that the problem was not related to generated SQL query but to column names expected by Hibernate. Generated recordset didn't has entityKey215_0_ column. I added:

entityKey AS {list.entityKey}

to named SQL query and error dissapeared.

This error is not-very-obvious kind of error because Oracle hides column / table names in error messages returned. Why? I don't get this cryptic error messages idea. In order to track an error under Oracle I had to enable verbose logging (error message standalone din't give anything useful). Much simpler database MySQL has better error reporting than "fat" Oracle.

Tags: hibernate, sql.


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