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GIT merge status
Sun, 10 Jul 2011 11:10:52 +0000

If you are merging/cherry-picking changes frequently between GIT branches it's very useful to know exactly what changes were already merged, what changes are waiting for merge and for wchich change there will be a conflict during merge.

This information should be available from "git log", but unfortunately I dif not get good results (even with --cherry-pick). Then some other solution must be prepared.

I decided to create a small script that will perform series of cherry-picks and prepare a report that shows integration status. Usage is pretty simple: $ git-merge-status SHA1..SHA2

Note that due to internal GIT commit storage source branch selection is not necessary because pair of commit IDs will point exactly the codebase. Sample run:

$ git-merge-status 32e5886..568f4c0
+ 32e5886 Dariusz Cieslak Version upgraded to 0.17
. e54772d T* S* (#2101) Preload two pages when switching pages
. ea76457 R* S* Implement trickplay icon (#2050)
. bb18d64 R* S* Force trickplay icon update (#2050)
. f45efab R* S* Fix zapbanner hours played (#2159)
. 73411c4 R* S* Inherit parent's VOD skin
. 7446a00 D* S* red light on front display while recording (#1502) (cherry picked from commit 6e049cc2f81947621b17105869e312b559164ce9)
. 983d4cc D* S* pvrservice: fromdos (only formatting!) (#2183) (cherry picked from commit db6de56171a90a9bd8eed681f4db7177819611a3)
. 37ed65f A* R. C* (#1711) TSTVEnableDelay key in system.properties (cherry picked from commit c094431ac17fc910a55163b8680c8fb81913dad5)
. 139f4a0 R* S* Display all movie icons in zapbanner
. 5230758 R* S* Fix VOD movie length display (#2139)
C b80a5fb Dariusz Cieslak Appman scripts placed in mw/config/etc/... (#1629)
. 1c8ff68 D* M* (#2186) Fixed qt signals in PLTVHelper

already merged (.): 49
to be merged (+): 13
conflict during merge(C): 26

Script body:


git log --pretty=format:"%h %cn %s" --reverse $* | awk '
    system("git reset --hard >/dev/null 2>&1")

    CMD="git log --decorate --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit"
    while (CMD | getline result > 0) {
        history[substr(result, 0, 7)] = 1
        if (result ~ /cherry picked from commit/) {
            CL2 = $0
            sub(/.*commit /, "", CL2)
            CL2 = substr(CL2, 0, 7)
            if (CL2 in history) {
                revhistory[CL2] = 1
    gsub(/"/, " ", CID)


    if (CL in revhistory) {
        # already merged in opposite direction
        print ". " CID

    if (/cherry picked from commit/) {
        CL2 = $0
        sub(/.*commit /, "", CL2)
        CL2 = substr(CL2, 0, 7)
        if (CL2 in history) {
            print ". " CID
            PREVIOUSLY_MERGED ++

    CMD="git cherry-pick -x " $1 " 2>&1"
    buf = ""
    while (CMD | getline result > 0) {
        buf = buf result

    if (buf ~ /files changed/) {
        # Just merged
        print "+ " CID
        JUST_MERGED ++
    else if (buf ~ /Automatic cherry-pick failed/) {
        # Conflict, skip
        print "C " CID
        system("git reset --hard >/dev/null 2>&1")
        CONFLICT ++
    else {
        # Already merged
        print ". " CID

    print ""
    print "already merged (.): " PREVIOUSLY_MERGED
    print "to be merged (+): " JUST_MERGED
    print "conflict during merge(C): " CONFLICT
Tags: git.


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