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Encryption Using GPG: Minimal HOWTO
Sat, 15 Oct 2011 10:06:12 +0000

I assume you want to encrypt some files using your public GPG key. I'll focus on simplicity rather than completeness (minimal steps required to implement encryption).

First you have to generate key pair:

$ mkdir -p ~/.gnupg
$ gpg --gen-key

Then see your new key ID and export it to public key storage:

$ gpg --list-keys # get KEY_ID from output
$ gpg --keyserver "hkp://subkeys.pgp.net" --send-key <KEY_ID>

On remote machine import the key and make it trusted (to avoid warnings during encryption):

$ gpg --keyserver "hkp://subkeys.pgp.net" --recv-keys <KEY_ID>
$ gpg --edit-key <KEY_ID>
> trust

Then you can used this key to encrypt files and delete original (if needed):

$ gpg -r <KEY_ID> --output <FILE>.gpg --encrypt <FILE>
$ rm <FILE>

And the decryption (on host where private key is stored):

$ gpg -r <KEY_ID> --output <FILE> --decrypt <FILE>.gpg
Tags: security.


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